The social and solidarity economy promotes a multitude of initiatives to promote research, education and culture from a transformative perspective. Also from the community educational field, projects are launched to bring the values ​​and practices of the social and solidarity economy to the students and the citizenry. Find and discover the inspirational experiences and good practices of Educoop entities: student cooperatives, community actions, artistic interventions, conferences and fairs ... and much more!

Espai de criança


Espai Banay, es un espacio de crianza respetuosa con los procesos de crecimiento de los niños y las niñas.


Grups de criança itinerants als barris


Grups de criança itinerants als barris és un projecte que promou els vincles saludables, el joc i el moviment lliure a barris/zones amb realitats complexes de la ciutat.